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About us


Ecclesia: Matthew 16:18-19
The New Testament word translated as Church, Assembly, “called out ones”. The ecclesia or ekklesia (Greek: ἐκκλησία) was the principal assembly of the democracy of ancient Athens during its "Golden Age" (480–404 BCE). As a part of the government they were tasked with declaring war and military strategy. We are the Church, the Assembly; the “called out ones”. We have been called out of the Kingdom of darkness in to the Kingdom of His dear son, into the Kingdom of light (Colossians 1:13; 1 Peter 2:9). We like this early group are called out for the purpose of declaring war on the enemy, gathering with the purpose in mind of developing strategy to over throw, tear down and destroy the enemy. We are the highest ranking officers in the Army of God, We are God’s Ecclesia.

Mission [Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 3:16]
“We are agents of the Government of God, The Kingdom of Heaven. We have been chosen of God and sent by God to advance His Kingdom in the Earth; to preach and teach the Gospel of The Kingdom and to walk in Kingdom authority in the earth.” We are a chose nation and royal priesthood and peculiar people, light are we in the darkness.

Vision [Luke 4:18 2 Timothy 4:2]
“By preaching and teaching the whole of the Gospel, the Kingdom of Heaven, the lost will be saved, the bound will be delivered and the Kingdom of Heaven will permeate the earth.”

Purpose [Proverbs 4:7; Hosea 4:6]
To teach and equip the church with the truth of the Word of God, so that we are thoroughly nourished in the faith and able to teach others; that the Kingdom of God is establish and perpetuated in the earth.

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