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Kingdom Education

The place where Believers are Educated about their Kingdom citizenship and Heritage. The Gospel of the Kingdom is not a new theology, it is rather the revelation of the true message and intent and will of God concerning His relationship with Humanity.
Kingdom Basics Curriculm


The kingdom of Heaven is the greatest and oldest mystery of all mysteries (1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:26). The kingdom of Heaven is the oldest and most enduring kingdom ever established. It is the greatest lost mankind has ever experience and the greatest treasure yet to be discovered by so many who has not rediscovered their identity and purpose in God...


Jesus came to restore the broken relationship between us and our Father, our King and to restore to us the Kingdom lost. When we submit to the royal, rule andreign of God in and over our lives we rediscover our identity as Kings in the earth. We discover that earth was intended from the beginning to be an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven, a colony and that God gave it to us as our Kingdom.

Tools of Interpretation

"Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15)


Many study the Bible but are ill-equipped to appropriate the correct meaning or any meaning for that matter. It is not because they do not desire to understand, nor are they encapable, they simply lack the proper tools. They are many who would if they were to be honest with themselve; agree that studying the Bible is an intimidating and daunting task. The purpose and aim of this ministry is to equip the Church with the tools necessary to learn, understand and live out the Word of God.

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