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Spirit of Violation

The Canon of Prayer Day 1

The Lord has laid it upon my heart to prayer against the Spirit of Violation

The Spirit of Violation, molestation, rape, abuse physically, verbal and psychologically.

I bind and rebuke the Spirit of Violation. I cast out and tear down every stronghold of Violation in my community, city, state and Nation right now in the name of Jesus. I undo the works of the Spirit of Violation in the spirit realm, right now. I nullify, cancel, and render every assignment of the Spirit of Violation ineffective. I break the chains of bondage that would keep people bound by the Spirit of Violation, and I sever every soul tie created by the Spirit of Violation in Jesus name.

I pray for every person (in my community, city, state, and Nation) who has suffered and the hands of the Spirit of Violation, every person who has been molested, rapped, abused physical or psychologically. I declare healing and wholeness over you right now in the name of Jesus. I declare healing from the pain and psychological scares that result from being violated and abused. I declare the mindset and neural pathways that are created by violation be undo and restored. I pray for peace in the mind and I tear down every stronghold; strongholds of fear, resentment, bitterness and un-forgiveness in the Name of Jesus. For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). I declare sound mind, sound mind, sound mind, in Jesus name. Your mind is healed, your mind is restored, your mind is whole. The chains are broken, the soul ties are severed and you are a victorious overcomer over the Spirit of Violation.

I pray for every abuser, rapist and pedophile that they repent, be born again and be delivered in Jesus name. I pray for their complete and total restoration, I declare that the grip of the enemy is release; now. Free yourself, repent because the chains are broken and the power of the devil can no longer hold you. Surrender right now to the king-Jesus and ask for forgiveness. God wish that none should perish but that all repent. Repent today, be forgiven and be restored today right now in the Name of Jesus.

This is the Decree of the King

Anthony Morris

Ecclesia Assembly Kingdom Ministry | 704-775-4182

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