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The Great Commission = The Great Assignment

The Great Commission = The Great Assignment

The Great Assignment = Colonize the earth

How are we to colonize the earth?

We must first understand; God has equipped us with the power to do so by giving us His Holy Spirit [everything we NEED for LIFE and GODLINESS and by giving us POWER and AUTHORITY in the earth as King; we have the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM.

He told us to baptize those who has accepted the call of discipleship; Baptism is symbolic for being born again. It is imperative for us to help those making this commitment to understand the criteria set forth by the King; we must be born again. Which means we are to become new creations in Christ, dying to our former way of life-old thing passed away all things becoming new; crucified with Christ, living the life that we now live submit to the King. Man [Humanity] must be born again or we will not be able to see, perceive, understand the Kingdom nor submit to the King (John 3:3-7, Romans 8:7)

Jesus tell the disciple to teach those who would be disciples everything He command them. Jesus' message was the message of the Kingdom, it was the first message He preach (Matthew 4:17;23) and He sent or commissioned the disciples to teach the same message (Matthew 10:7, Luke 9:1-2) this Gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 24:14)

Three thing are affecting as we colonize

-The appearance; culture

We must bring the culture of the Kingdom into the earth and allow it to permeate the earth so that the culture of earth become the culture of heaven

-The people

As the culture of Heaven permeates the earth, the people will be transformed into citizens of the

Kingdom of Heaven

-The laws and the government

The will of the King done on Earth as in Heaven, the Kingdoms of the World (Government) becomes the Kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ.

Colonization is realized as the people submit to the government of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Impacting, Influencing and transforming the world around us; colonization.

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