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Binding up, tearing down and Destroying Spiritual Strongholds

The Canon of Prayer Day 3

Binding up, tearing down and Destroying Spiritual Strongholds

  • Strongholds are mindsets, attitudes, habits and additions that have become fortified in our minds and life that is hard to overcome, overthrow and break away from.

  • Strongholds are areas in our lives that the devil or some spirit has set up rule over and built a fort; this area is fortified and re-enforced so that regaining and recovering these areas are almost impossible to recover and regain.

  • Strongholds include demonic possession and places in our cities, states and region where there are concentrated amounts of any one crime (prostitution, drugs, murder etc.) and demonic activity.

But the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God in the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-6), overthrowing, overtaking strongholds, recovering and regaining areas of our minds ,live , cities, communities, regions and states; for binding up the strongman and spoiling the camp of the enemy.


I Bind up and tear down every stronghold erected in my life, my mind and in the minds of your people and in the minds and lives of the people in my community, city, state, region and Nation. I declare the walls of these fortified places that the enemy has erected in our lives are falling flat like the walls of Jericho.

I bind up every stronghold of, hate, racism, religion, entertainment, error, homosexuality, prostitution, drug and alcohol addition, violence and murder in the Name of Jesus. I bind up right now in the name of Jesus every stronghold of un-forgiveness, anger, greed, pride and malice.

I Bind up and tear down every stronghold of schizophrenia, spiritual blindness, mental oppression, depression and confusion in the Name of Jesus. I pull down every one on these strongholds right now in Jesus name and I spoil the camp of the enemy. I take back and claim for the Kingdom of God every area in my life and mind where the enemy has set up rule. I cancel his reign and submit to the King-Jesus; my life, our lives are free from the power and control of every stronghold.

This is the decree of the King

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