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Prayer of Colonization

The Canon of Prayer; Day 7

Jesus taught us to Pray Colonization. His disciples came to Him one day and said, Lord teach us how to pray. Jesus after praising and worshiping God as our example, begin to pray Colonization. “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven”. [Father what is your assignment for me today that will cause your Kingdom to manifest on earth as it is in Heaven] Colonization was and is the very purpose of God concerning Earth and humanity. It’s the will of God that earth would be the colony of Heaven; a visible, physical extension of the invisible, spiritual Kingdom of God; and that Humanity would be His citizens who would reign over it. The Great Commission is the Great Assignment, to colonize the Earth with the Kingdom of Heaven, teaching man that they must be born again (baptized, cross reference Romans 6:1-7) to become citizens of God’s Kingdom. Teaching all people the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven that the King requires us to live and teach. Prayer Father we thank you for redeeming us, rescuing us and restoring us first in relationship with you, which restores our dominion as Kings in the Earth. Thank you for giving us dominion and power over the earth and the enemy. Thank you for declaring, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, thank you for giving us power over the devil and all the powers of the enemy. Thank you Lord for giving us the keys of the Kingdom and for declaring the gates of hell shall not prevail against me. Thanks for making me a citizen of your Kingdom. Thank you for giving me everything I need for life and godliness, for empowering me to possess the land and dispossess the devil and his demonic forces. I Declare the sons of God are rising in my city, state and region; true citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven who realize their identity in God, who understand their assignment and purpose are being birthed out in the Earth. Citizens of the Kingdom are living out the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven without compromise; revealing the culture of Heaven to the world. I declare, we are impacting, influencing and transforming the world around us as we submit to the King. I Declare, the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven are overthrowing the god of this world (Satan), the government of this world and advancing the Kingdom of God in the Earth. As Kings in the Earth restored to dominion, we take authority and declare the reign of the Supreme King. The Kingdom of this world is become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.

This is the decree of the King

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