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The Spirit of Poverty (Lack)

The Canon of Prayer; Day 8


  • The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material need or comforts (

  • The lack of what is necessary; the shortage of needed resources: to be insufficient, to be in lack, to be in need, lack or insufficiency in any way or in any area of life.

  • Lack of peace, joy, love, endurance, discernment, kindness, self-control, faith, knowledge, wisdom, understand (etc.).

  • A mindset that keeps one in poverty; the attitude of a person or group of people who cannot move beyond lack.

The spirit of poverty is responsible for people being comfortable with being in lack and not striving for better even when the potential for better is present. It is a mindset; an attitude that rob people of the greatness within. It tells us that success is impossible and that failure, lack and poverty are our destiny. It is responsible for the ghetto mentality; to put one another down instead of push then pull one another up.

It is the mindset that makes people living beyond their means; and be bad stewards of resources, time and monies. It is the attitude, mindset that keeps people comfortable with not knowing and understanding God’s word, comfortable with living deficient of their identity, calling and destiny.


I bind a rebuke the Spirit of Poverty and Lack and curse it at the root. I Declare it shall not bear fruit, the leaves are drying up and falling off even now, in the authority and power of the King-Jesus. Your hold on the people in my city, state and region is broken; the strong man is bound and I tear down every stronghold of poverty and lack and spoil the camp of the enemy.

The mindset, the attitude of poverty and lack is being broken off your people and off the people in my community, city state and region. The mindset that will believe the lie of the devil that success is impossible, that poverty is their destiny and that greater and greatness is out of their reach is broken.

I pray for every person bound by the Spirit of Poverty and Lack; I speak to the chain of bondage and declare that this prayer is turning the Key and the lock is open. Now shack your chains off and be free, walk in prosperity and in abundance. I Declare the Spirit of Poverty is destroyed in your life; you are free, now live free. I Declare God have given you the power to create wealth.

I speak to your mind and declare ideas that create increase and abundance are coming to your mind. I Declare better money management and stewardship skills are coming to your mind in Jesus name. The mindset of lack and poverty is being eradicated right now in the authority and power of the King-Jesus. I Declare the prosperity and abundance of the Kingdom of God is released in and over your life. Your life is fruitful and increase, greater and greatness is within reach, now reach out and grab it-it is yours.

This is the Decree of the King.

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