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Prayer of Repentance

The Canon of Prayer: Day 12

Repentance is not forgiveness; it is so much more. It is a commitment, an attitude to change and to submit to God. Forgiveness is what you ask someone else to do; repenting is what you do to keep from having to ask for forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness the act we do after we have committed a misdeed or sin. When we ask for forgiveness we express our regret, or conviction for our misdeed or sin. In many cases it expresses the need or desire to be excused for something said or done. Repentance on the other hand is the action we take to change our behavior, what we do and say.

Repentance in a nutshell means to change the way you think, to have a change of heart (mind, emotion, and will). To bring the carnal mind that is not subject to God and to His Kingdom into subjection by being born again spiritual and becoming spiritually mind. Once that has taken place, we than have the responsibility to renew our mind in the spirit and TURN from carnal thinking. That means learning God’s standards and will; thinking and living from God’s perspective.

Jesus started His ministry with repentance on His lips; not only was His first message Kingdom, it was also a call to repentance. “Repeat for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand” (Matthew 4:17). Paul said that God has called all men to repent (Acts 17:30).


Father I bless your Holy name, you are worthy of all the honor and all the praise. Father I thank you that You said “if I confess my sins you are faith and just to forgive me sin and to cleans be of all unrighteousness.”(1 John 1:9) I Bind and rebuke the spirit of condemnation that, would bring guilt and sorrow with not fruit of repentance; “For godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation not to be repented of” (2 Corinthians 7:10).

God I repent today of the sin in my life, and walk in repentance submitted to YOU my KING. I bring my mind into subject to YOUR will and YOUR word; I submit to HOLY SPIRIT who YOU said would lead my and guide me in all truth. I reject the ways of the world today and purpose in my heart to live from above, heavenly mindset and not from a worldly perspective. I yield my heart, my mind, my intellect, my emotion, my desire, my plans, my goal, my aspirations and my will to YOU my KING. I repent of all of my sinful deeds. Father, teach my heart true repentance, so that I may walk fully in my identity, assignment and purpose.

Father I pray for every unrepentant heart in my city, state and region. That you will cause them to be broken over their sins, that you will prick their heart; bring conviction, godly sorrow because of their sin that will lead to repentance and salvation. I prayer repentance sweeps over my city, true repentance that understands that grace is not a free pass on sin, but rather power to overcome temptation from sin. I Declare renewed minds and changed lives in my city, state and region in the power and authority conferred to me by the King-Jesus.

This is the Decree of the King.

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