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Watchman on the Wall Prayer (Ezekiel 33)

The Canon of Prayer; Day 13

Watchmen in the Old Testament had a very important assignment; they kept watch over the city. They watched for danger and for enemy invasion. They were responsible for warning the people when and if the enemy was approaching; the watchmen would sound the alarm and ready the people so they could come to safety behind that wall. The alarm would also ready the men of war to take their position to fight off the enemy’s attack.

They would also watch for messenger from afar who would bring word and for the arrival of the King. The watchman would inform the people so they could prepare the roads, the city and the people for His arrival, so that all is fitting for the King.

Watchmen had to be attentive, vigilant and alert at all times and not easily distracted. They needed to have endurance because of the many hour they had to stand watch; the lives of all in the city depended on the watchmen. I am guessing they had to have good eyesight to keep watch over the city to see the danger from afar; this means the watchmen is going to need to be spiritually in tuned, to see and hear in the spirit, our fight in spiritual. A watchman need to be spiritual acute.


Father I bless you my great King, my God; you are worthy of all of the praise, all of the honor and all of the Glory. I declare the watchmen are rising in my city state and region; the keepers of the city (Earth) are rising, let us your people take our position, watching day and night at our post, covering our city, state and region.

Father I declare and decree, you are positioning watchmen on the wall; you are causing your children to become spiritually acute sentinels that are tuned in to the frequency of the King and Your Kingdom. We hear, we see in the spirit with optimized clarity and precision, we proclaim what is revealed to us to the people in our city, state, and region.

Father we take our position and sound the alarm; the enemy is walking about seeking whom he may devour. We sound the alarm for the enemy is upon the City (Earth) he (the Devil) has sent froth a mighty army; Religion, Entertainment, Error, Sexual immorality and Sexual confusion, he has sent the mighty army Pride and Ego, Oppression, Depression, Spiritual Blindness, and Apostasy. He has sent the army of Hate, Prejudice, Malice, Jealousy, and Envy. He has sent every Principality, Powers, Spiritual Wickedness, Rulers of Darkness, Demonic forces, Witches, Warlocks and all that opposes our King to take City (Earth), and we take authority over them right now in the power and authority conferred to us by the King-Jesus right now.

Watchmen take your positions in your city, state, region; warn the people-warn the people for the enemy is upon us. Sound the alarm and ready the Men of War-Prayer warriors, war in prayer, and war in the spirit. We beat back the enemy even now; we take and arm ourselves with the full armor-the whole arsenal of God.

We declare the King cometh and judgement to all not transformed from darkness to light. Repent now the King and the Kingdom is at Hand. I declare Holy Ghost boldness to every watchman to tell the report in love, to make plan what is revealed in the spirit realm as we take our post on the wall. We nullify the attack, strategy and plot of the enemy in our cities, States, and Region.

This is the decree of the King.

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