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Prayer for Renewed Mind

The Canon of Prayer; Day 17

The necessity for a renewed mind cannot be over emphasized. In the bite of a piece of fruit (the act of treason-disobedience) humanity went from spiritual-mental life to spiritual-mental death; at the same time being awaken to carnal mindedness that is incapable of submitting to God the Supreme King. Scripture is Clear:

“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”

Romans 8:6-7

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9)

The heart in Jeremiah is the seat of the mind-intellect, emotions and will (natural disposition). The mind is said to be deceitful, desperately wicked also rendered as incurably ill. So it is evident that mind renewal is necessary.

See when man (Humanity-Adam and Eve) bit the fruit, we are told that their eyes were opened. What really happened was they died just like God told them they would; they/we died spiritually and along with it came disconnection from the spirit-mind. The truth of the matter is they could already see; scripture tells us that eve saw that the fruit was good for food (Genesis 3:6), so she-they could already see. What happened was, the carnal mind and eyes were opened. The eyes sees but it is the mind (the visual cortex) that interprets what is seen. So when they ate the fruit; spiritual death came and with it carnal minded sight, causing them to suddenly be ashamed of their nakedness.

Scripture tells us that Satan has blinded the mind of them that believe not (2 Corinthians 4:4). Humanity who has not been born again is imprisoned to a carnal mind. Being born again first makes us spiritually alive; we are awakened to the spirit-mind; we must from there renew (make it like it was) the mind.

When Jesus reveals to us the Gospel of the Kingdom, He starts with the command-not a suggestion; repent- change your mind, your thinking. The only way to change your mind (bring it into conformity with God and His Kingdom) is to be born of the Spirit to awaken or resurrect the spirit mind in you. Then we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2), renewed in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:23, Colossians 3:10).


Father, I declare and decree that the eyes-mind of humanity that Satan has blind in my city, state and region are being opened as we your people shine the light of Your Kingdom into the darkness of the world that would expose the lies and trickery of the devil that would keep people prisoner to carnality and spiritual blindness.

I come against, bind and rebuke the spiritual blindness that still blanket the church; that the mind of your people would become open even now. That the people of God would get a hunger for the word that will cause the minds of your people to be renewed to the truth of your word; that will renew the understanding of our identity, purpose and assignment. For you said; my people perish for a lack of knowledge because they reject it (Hosea 4:6), they refuse to renew their minds. Forgive us Lord for not being diligent in cultivating the renewed mind that in necessary to live as citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, colonizing earth with Heaven.

I declare and decree that the urgency for renewing the mind is erupting in the sons of God, those who have been born again as citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. We yield our mind to you-God; that we be transformed by the renewing of our mind and conformed to the image of your Son.

This is the Decree of the King.

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