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Thank you for the Storms

The Canon of Prayer; Day 25

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

The storm that came into your life, even though it may have been meant for evil, God has/is/will turn it around for you; God is using all things and everything and is turning it around in your favor.

“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” (James 1:2-4)

The storms, the test, trail; trials and tribulations that we experience that God allows in our lives, He uses them to build our faith, to build our character and mold us to be all that He intended. He uses them to make us stronger, to make us better; to conform us to the image of His Son.

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

No matter what the storm is that we may face, have faced, are facing we can be confident that we already have the victory and that we will overcome because Jesus have already gone before us and won the victory.

“Will you still praise God if the blessing is the storm?

There are hundreds of stories where storms have been responsible for the discovery of hidden treasure, really. You could go to Google right now and find stories of great discoveries that were the result of the storm itself. Divers have dived, treasure hunters have hunted, historians have searched, but it wasn't until the storm rolled through that the treasure was found in the aftermath. Sometime the storm is what we need to discover the treasure, the blessings. You will never know the treasure to be unearth until you weather the storm.

Fear not the storm

“I fear not for the storms, however bad they may be. Let the storms rage, let the winds blow, I’ll use the winds of the storm to fill my sails and carry may into my destiny, let them blow, let the storms rage. It’s the winds from this storm that will blow over and under my wings create the lift and cause me to soar to higher heights. I say to the storm, bring it!! hit me with your best shot, my sail are raised, my wing are extended; take me into my destiny.” ©2014-AM


Father I thank you for every storm you let blow my way. I thank you for your grace, that is your strength made perfect in my weakness. I thank you for how you use every, trail, test and situation to strengthen me, to build me, my character and my faith. I thank you that though each trail, test, and situation you cause me to realize the more my identity so I can walk in my assignment and fulfill my purpose.

Father I thank you for being my shelter in the time of storm. I thank you for the victory already won. I thank you that all things are working together for my good because I love you in word and deed. I thank you for the storm that has washed away the sand in the spirit realm and revealed, unearthed treasure beyond measure. I thank you for the storms that bring the wind that fills my sails and push me into my destiny. I thank you for the winds of the storm that blow over and under my wings that creates the lift and causes me to soar to higher heights in you.

This is the decree of the King

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