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The Assignment Prayer

The Canon of Prayer; Day 33

God did not leave us in the dark concerning our assignment. Our assignment is directly connected to our identity, purpose and to our destiny. God left us a message, the Bible the Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven. In this message from God we find our identity, purpose, assignment and destiny. They are so wonderfully intertwined that they are practically the same. When we know our identity it reveals our purpose; our reveals our assignment. Walking in our purpose is walking in our assignment to fulfill our destiny.

Our purpose is the reason we exist, God created us on purpose, with a purpose; that purpose is revealed in the creation account. (Genesis 1:26-28).

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion...And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion…”

Dominion; Our Assignment is Dominion

In these three verse we see that twice God has given us dominion over the Earth and everything in it (everything but other humans). This is our official inauguration as King, the King is the dominant figure in the domain (Earth). This is the purpose to which God created humanity; not to be dominated by sickness or disease (bacteria that creeps into the earth), by drug or alcohol (plants) nor by spirits (The devil, demons, demonic influence and activity) illegally inhabiting the Earth. We are King, we have dominion. This is why when Jesus brings the Gospel of the Kingdom, He gives us power and authority over sickness and demons (Luke 9:1-2). Not only that, but He also gives us power over our flesh and our desires (2 Peter 1:3)

Colonize; Our Assignment is Colonization

It was and is God's intent to colonize Earth with the Kingdom of Heaven, Earth was created for that purpose. A proper description of Earth would be the Colony of Heaven. God's intent was to rule the physical realm from the invisible realm Heaven through humanity. This mandate is clearly set forth in the creation account as well, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth”. Jesus reinstated this mandate in what we understand to be the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). When He sends the disciple He sends the with a specific message, the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 9:2, Matthew 24:14). As a matter of fact Jesus set the example; even His first message was about colonizing Earth with Heaven (Matthew 4:17) Jesus expresses the urgency of spreading the message of the Kingdom (Luke 4:43). We are here to colonize;

Preach the Kingdom; Our Assignment is to Preach the Kingdom

As already made clear in the above, preaching the Kingdom of Heaven is our assignment. It was the message of our Savior; the message He left us to teach to all men in all the Earth. One of the things God has taught me was, that the best message a man can preach is a life of righteousness. Ironically enough we are to seek God's kingdom and righteousness as our number one priority. Actions speak louder than words, so as we live the Kingdom we are learning, we preach by living.

Reconcile; Our Assignment is Reconciliation

Jesus came to Earth to reconcile, to restore us in relationship with the Father and restore our lost dominion and to teach us our forgotten assignment to colonize the Earth. Jesus reconciles us so that we can reconcile man to God , He gave us the message of reconciliation the Father’s doctrine and the assignment of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-19)


Father thank you for restoring us and making us apart of your family again. We know you restored us with a purpose in mind that we would be fruit, multiply and replenish the earth, that we would advance your Kingdom in the Earth.

Father, I prayer for clarity to my assignment within the corporate assignment you have given your Church. May I be diligent and discipline to follow the instructions and complete my assignment.

I declare the spirit of discernment, I declare ears tuned to the frequency your voice; and increased faith that will enable me to fulfill my assignment.

This is the Decree of the King

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