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The Canon of Pray: Day 34

And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. (2 Chronicles 33:6)

Witchcraft: to whisper a spell, that is, to enchant or practice magic: - sorcerer, (use) witch (-craft).

There are a lot of forces at work in the world; spirits of every sort, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places. Witchcraft is consorting with these forces; as you can see this is not acceptable to God. There are territorial spirit, oppressing and possessing spirits. Through witchcraft, witches, warlocks, wizard, sorcerers, Wiccans, Mediums; these spirits give and receive assignment and gain access to operate in the Earth. Of course this is not the only way spirit gain access in the Earth realm, but those who practice witchcraft open doors and portal that grant access to the Earth realm. These spirits disrupts the lives of people, causing man to live outside of the will of God and live in sin.

Pots (Cauldron)

Cauldrons are used in every thinkable form of witchcraft, normally used to conjure spirit and demons, to communicate with the spiritual realm. The pot is a sign of witchcraft, known to be the door or gateway through which spirits enter or through which they communicate. Destroying cauldrons would close the door or gateway and destroy the power and influence of the spiritual forces that were conjured using that pot or those who communicated through it.


Groves are also associate with cultism, they are alters and idols; objects of worship. Cultist worship spirits and some worship Satan himself. This worship strengthens demonic influence and activity.


Father I bind and rebuke every spiritual influence and all demonic activity in my city state and region. I bind all occultism, demonic worship and Satanism in my city, state and region. I break to pieces every cauldron pot in the spirit realm, every cauldron-pot or instrument used to conjure demons and evil spirit. I break to pieces every cauldron that is used as a medium, gateway or portal in the Name of Jesus. Father I cut down in the spirit every grove, alter and idol used in occultism and demonic worship, by the power and authority conferred to me by the King-Jesus.

I declare deliverance to all witches, warlocks, wizards, sorcerers, wiccans and mediums in my city, State and region; that they would come out of darkness and be saved and become a part of the Kingdom of Light, your Kingdom. I declare the grasp of the devil and demonic forces and influence is being weakened. I stand in the gap and intercede on their behalf.

This is the decree of the King.

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